(Fun Fact…the machine used to bore a tunnel is sometimes called a mole)
Our Memory Village is becoming better connected! As many of our families already know, we have had some troubles in the past with our phone connections in our homes, relying on antennas to transmit signals throughout the entire village. It worked fairly well for basic communications on the internet but the signal wasn’t fast enough to keep up with phone communications, which made many phone conversations frustrating.
About a year ago high-speed fiber optics became available in our area and we’ve been working with Springfield Utility Board to get our homes better connected. This should dramatically improve the reliability of our communications.
The biggest and most challenging part of the project is boring a hole from the north side of our village, under the road, to the south side of our village. This is happening today! We are so excited to finally get this portion of the project completed that we had to share!
All users of wireless networks share the same bandwidth. And as a result, when the networks become heavily congested, the wireless network becomes slower. Fiber-optic, on the other hand is not affected like this and so gains higher speed. According to Mocomi.com (I know it’s a kid’s site but they explain things at my level) Fiber optics or Optical Fibers are extremely thin (like the diameter of a human hair) made of pure glass. Thousands of these strands are arranged in bundles to make a thicker cable. Since glass is optically transparent, we are able to send information-laden rays of light over long distances.
Our whole village is ready to get some high speed communication going on!